Thursday, 5 June 2014

Witnessing down the Pomeroon river!

Hello again! Weve had the most amazing week of ministry....we cant quite believe everything thats happened so far. There is an incredible need in Charity as weve seen over these past few days......

The Pomeroon river is the home of a large amount of people in Charity, so the brothers devote every Tuesday and Friday to witnessing down the river. They have their very own speed boat called the Kingdom Proclaimer (with matching oars!)

We set off in the boat at 9am. Excited!

All of a sudden we pulled over into the shade and a brother stood at the front of the boat and took a group and prayed. Best group venue!

Sister Blair, Sister Devida and Sister Gilly. Such brilliant sisters!
The one on the left is a 76 year old need greater from New York, the middle one is Devida, our wonderful next door neighbour who looks after us so well. And the sister on the right is Gilly Persaud, a special pioneer who at one time lived in the rainforest and conducted 120 bible studies by herself. Amazing sisters!

The boat pulled up again and we were all assigned and told to be back at the boat at 12 for lunch. That gave us two hours....probably only enough for two houses because everyone will talk to you! 

There was a small primary school within the territory which a couple of us were assigned to. We had no idea how it would work because theres no way you'd just be able to walk into a school in England and ask to talk to the children. Anyway, sister Persaud went straight in and started speaking to the teacher about the magazines, so we thought we would make the most of the opportunity and witness to the children! We showed them a page out of the Listen to God brochure on prayer and read Psalms 65:2 about Jah hearing our prayers. We asked them questions about when to pray and what to pray about, and what Gods name was. They were all very quiet, but they soon livened up when we decided to show them the 'pray anytime' Caleb video. They were captivated! Such a lovely experience. The teacher is happy to have us back to do more so we cant wait for that!!

Afternoon sun is very hot! Time for river studies and umbrellas!

After one call, the son cut down some sugar cane for us. You peel it with a giant cutlass and chew it. Tastes like watery sugar! Just what we needed to refresh us! 

What a beautiful day we enjoyed on the river! We got back around 5 feeling tired but really satisfied and happy with the day we had experienced. It makes us realise what lengths the brothers go to to reach people whose hearts need the truth. 

A very very generous sister provided us with three months supply of food and toiletries to help us out.  We were so overwhelmed by it......we had no idea what to say! She even provided us with treats such as Oreos, Pringles and Nutella! We are all huge fans of nutella and the jar is nearly gone already. Such a blessing from Jehovah. 

1 comment:

  1. Once again my day just got better
    when you four girlies updated the letter
    that tells if your joy when out in the field
    another witness given that increases the yeild
    Of those blessed people who will today hear the truth
    from four beautiful girls expending their youth
    With excitement contained at least for a while
    looking forward to the next time you will make me smile
    so take take precious care and give all our love
    to our Christian family gifted by Jehovah above
