Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Up the creek...with a paddle!

Hey all you lovely people, we hope you are well! Things have been incredibly busy here...we have started the convention campaign and we are conducting well over 20 studies between the four of us...so busy times! But we love it like this.

So this is our daily transport to and from ministry groups and meetings, a tiny bus that seats around 12 people..and yet regularly seats 20! Absolutely illegal! You can't see everyone else behind us but trust me, it's squashed! People lying on top,next to and in front of you at every angle! A bus ride costs  around 100 Guyanese dollars...23p to you and me!

This creek is a very narrow, shallow route. We had to abandon the motor and use the paddles! Negotiating our way along was not easy so thank goodness we had all the brothers and sisters to use their expertise! 

Despite the difficulty in reaching some of the houses, the congregation remain very focused and determined. "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness," Brother Ken said, chuckling away! What a brilliant attitude they have! 

                                             A typical Guyanese house down the creek.

The pioneer spirit is great to be around. 

Our boat is so well known by everyone that we often hear people calling us back to request literature and have a chat.


This man asked for a bible stories book and said he had been waiting years to get his hands on one. What a "coincidence" that one sister had decided to put one in her ministry bag for the day, "just in case"! 

A Guyanese alternative to a letter box!

Pigtails are the way forward to battle heat and Afros.

Daisy having an afternoon nap....Sometimes the heat gets a little too much!

We ended the day getting completely drenched which we are getting used to by now! But we've had such a great day with the congregation reaching as many people as we can. 
Because of the rain we had to turn back home before we reached Naomi's bible study who lives up a small creek so she was a bit disappointed. But after the ministry we went to the market and she noticed a woman with two small children looking at her across the road....it was her bible study from the river! So she was able to give her three books she had asked for her 8 children to teach them about God  and arranged to return next week, it's amazing how Jehovah directs us to be in the right place at the right time :-)

Amy went on a study with a sister today, she had 4 children, her husband is an alcoholic and beats her and does other horrible things to her and her beautiful children. She had such an excellent study and the youngest girl brought the bible stories book out and sat on Amy's knee ready for story time, as soon as she started the other children gathered round to listen and get involved. 

Also...for all you socks and crocs lovers, we have a new addition to our fashionable footwear...these slippers partnered with socks and absolutely perfect for around the house and are really comfy!

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