Sunday, 1 June 2014

First week in Guyana!

Hi guys! So here we are in Guyana. We are only a few days in and yet we are loving it already!  We arrived safely and with all our many suitcases so that was a plus! The lovely special pioneers David and Jillian Persaud made a 5 hour journey to meet us and took us back to Charity safely. The journey included a 45 minute speed boat ride across the river which was certainly an experience!
Here we are just about to leave...

The six foot waves made us rather soggy...

After another long bus journey we made it to our lovely house. Our next door neighbour is a lovely family from our congregation. Devida is such a kind and hospitable sister, she has her own family to look after but has been at our house everyday cooking with us, taking us shopping, showing us how its done in Guyana she is really looking after us. Its so true that wherever you go in the world you have a real family in Jehovah's organisation! 

Heres Devida getting some coconuts down for us, the fruit is so sweet and fresh here we love it.

This is Devida son Jaiden and their pet parrot Jesse who speaks in a Caribbean accent. Jaiden is only 10 but he already has his own bible study, he is adorable! 

Here's our house from the outside its so lovely we feel really at home already. In the garden at the back we can pick coconuts, mangoes, cherries, golden apples, bread fruit, cashews, peppers, lemon grass, pomegranates and so many more tasty fresh things. Its all a bit of a novelty for us brits but everyone is used to eating fresh here. 

Our first day on the ministry was very exciting! We were all put with pioneers who took us on first call and then several studies each. It was quite a new experience..we all felt like we were learning to preach all over again. It is very unusual for people not to be receptive. We were told that the art is not to start a study, but to carry it on. 

Waiting for our bus to take us to the group. Its basically a tiny van and it's meant to carry 12 but regularly takes 20! Very cosy.....

We couldn't find a bus for our ride home from the meeting on Sunday so we resorted to the back of a trailer! Turned out to be a good idea because we were able to witness to the driver, and at the end of the journey he said 'May Jehovah God bless y'all!'

here's some more of what we've been up to the past few days....

Charity kingdom hall. 68 publishers and regularly over 100 at every meeting.

Our first Guyanese meal salt fish and bora stew with fried bakes and good.


  1. Girls, what an absolutely brilliant blog here! Honestly, brilliant photos, brilliant experiences, it tells the story so well and I really loved reading it so much. Enjoy every moment my loves xxx

  2. Hey y'all! Glad you got to Guyana safe! I've shown this to some of my buddies and we're all living vicariously through this blog and accomplishing what we are not able to do at this time. So thanks for the great pictures and descriptions and looking forward to seeing the many rich blessings Jehovah pours into your laps! We're praying for you here in NY!

  3. Not only are you pomoting Jehovahs Kingdom Good news but you are making one happy sister here in Skegness so proud of you all, and Amy, we miss you but tears fill my eyes when I see how Jehovah is blessing you. thankyou so much for sharing this adventure with us all. we are living it with you.
