Thursday, 26 June 2014

The best education

During our time here in Guyana we have been visiting all the schools in the area and doing weekly sessions with them using Caleb videos, Bible Story book, whiteboard animation videos and YPA books. It has been really fruitful and we'd like to share a bit of our joy with you...
This is one of the schools on the river called Dredge Creek. We taught them how Jehovah created everything and we talked about our favourite animals. The Caleb video 'Jehovah created all things' came in very handy! The first time we visited this school we taught them how to pray, and when we returned, we discovered they had all been trying to pray more. We left the teacher with a Bible story book to read at story time.

So this is Naomi at Westbury Primary School. She is teaching them to be neat and clean by showing them how tidy Jehovah kept the Garden of Eden. The teacher has invited us back for the end of term to take the class for an entire afternoon. She said she could borrow a TV so we could show the Caleb DVD to the children. We are also planning lots of bible based activities to do with them. 

After we had finished at one school, we decided to go and get a drink nearby. In the meantime, school was dismissed and they started coming out. A little boy came running out asking for more videos of Caleb. Before we knew it, half the school were congregating around us, pushing and shoving to get the best view of the video. The same little boy said 'can we have the one with the girl praying?' That was the video we had shown his class three weeks ago and he had remembered it. As we showed them, he started singing along and encouraged other children to sing too 'anytime anywhere I can pray....'

On their way to a deaf call, Molly and Naomi noticed a nursery school that we hadn't visited before. They decided to go in and the teachers were happy to let them talk to the children. They brought a small group of children to them and they sat around and watched 'Be Neat and Clean'. It worked out brilliantly!

This is a beautiful nursery hidden away at the back of a shop. The teacher loves our visits and we have a scheduled slot each week so the children expect us. The teacher took a Bible Story book to use at story time. She has invited us to the End of Year Prizegiving so that will be lovely!

This is another school we visit on the river. The first time we went to book an appointment, the head mistress wouldn't let us go without talking to the children. She desperately wants them to hear about God. She got the whole school in the hall together to listen to what we had to say. The second time we came, they were having an end of year BBQ, so we said we'd come by next week, however the headmistress wasn't having any of it! She insisted we stay and she got out the TV so we could show ''Obey Parents" and "listen obey and be blessed". The children were transfixed by the DVD and they even came up to read a scripture. Afterwards we taught them how to sing Song 120 and we sang along with the DVD. We left them all a convention invitation too and they were really excited about it!

Some of the beautiful children wanting to say hello! They remembered what God's name was which was so great to hear. The teacher at this school introduced us by telling the children that we had come to tell them about 'the good word' and how much he himself appreciated it and would benefit from it.

This is Naomi leading a group discussion at a secondary school. The principal asked us to come in at break times and to run sessions discussing various topics. They did a questionnaire from the YPA book which the teens loved. 

Today they did about image and self confidence. They used the YPA book and the 'What your Peers Say' video. They showed them Bible principles that could help them build their self esteem. On the last week of term, the principal wants us to come in every day at break time to run sessions like these.
Here are the teens watching the video.

So it's a really busy time, but such a lovely thing to be able to teach young ones about Jehovah. Although we only have a limited time with them, we hope we can plant seeds in their hearts. You never know what will stay with them in the future :) 



Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Up the creek...with a paddle!

Hey all you lovely people, we hope you are well! Things have been incredibly busy here...we have started the convention campaign and we are conducting well over 20 studies between the four of busy times! But we love it like this.

So this is our daily transport to and from ministry groups and meetings, a tiny bus that seats around 12 people..and yet regularly seats 20! Absolutely illegal! You can't see everyone else behind us but trust me, it's squashed! People lying on top,next to and in front of you at every angle! A bus ride costs  around 100 Guyanese dollars...23p to you and me!

This creek is a very narrow, shallow route. We had to abandon the motor and use the paddles! Negotiating our way along was not easy so thank goodness we had all the brothers and sisters to use their expertise! 

Despite the difficulty in reaching some of the houses, the congregation remain very focused and determined. "This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness," Brother Ken said, chuckling away! What a brilliant attitude they have! 

                                             A typical Guyanese house down the creek.

The pioneer spirit is great to be around. 

Our boat is so well known by everyone that we often hear people calling us back to request literature and have a chat.


This man asked for a bible stories book and said he had been waiting years to get his hands on one. What a "coincidence" that one sister had decided to put one in her ministry bag for the day, "just in case"! 

A Guyanese alternative to a letter box!

Pigtails are the way forward to battle heat and Afros.

Daisy having an afternoon nap....Sometimes the heat gets a little too much!

We ended the day getting completely drenched which we are getting used to by now! But we've had such a great day with the congregation reaching as many people as we can. 
Because of the rain we had to turn back home before we reached Naomi's bible study who lives up a small creek so she was a bit disappointed. But after the ministry we went to the market and she noticed a woman with two small children looking at her across the was her bible study from the river! So she was able to give her three books she had asked for her 8 children to teach them about God  and arranged to return next week, it's amazing how Jehovah directs us to be in the right place at the right time :-)

Amy went on a study with a sister today, she had 4 children, her husband is an alcoholic and beats her and does other horrible things to her and her beautiful children. She had such an excellent study and the youngest girl brought the bible stories book out and sat on Amy's knee ready for story time, as soon as she started the other children gathered round to listen and get involved. 

Also...for all you socks and crocs lovers, we have a new addition to our fashionable footwear...these slippers partnered with socks and absolutely perfect for around the house and are really comfy!

Monday, 16 June 2014

Highs and goodbyes

Hi everyone! Thanks for checking this out again...we really appreciate all your comments and texts, it is so lovely to feel your support and it spurs us on!
We have been in Guyana only 17 days and yet it feels like a home from home! Heres a bit of what we've been up to the past few days...
Here we are on the 'Kingdom Proclaimer' just about to stop for lunch. Everyone on the river knows the boat and they call it 'Kingdom Hall' boat. Boat witnessing is such a good time to get to know each other and have a laugh. Everyone usually brings fruit to share as its a long we always end up trying something new...

Today it was coconut jelly given to us by a call of Sister Gilli's. Yummy! People here do not have much but they give freely, a true example of generosity.

Naomi met Maria and Laura the parrot. Maria and her sister come from the river every week to attend the meetings without their parents. Maria always likes to answer :)

The scenery here is second to none. This form of ministry draws you closer to Jehovah not only by the people we share the truth with, but also by seeing his creation. Its hard to imagine how much more amazing it will be when it's restored!

Amy met a young lady called Zoya with an adorable little boy, (we can't put the photo on from the camera), she had a study a while ago but lost contact with her conductor and still has her bible teach book, so they picked up the study where she had stopped, starting with 'how to make your family life happy.' Zoya hopes to come to the Sunday meeting. 

Sister Blair and Molly went on a study with a young girl who wants to know the truth but cannot read or write. So they are teaching her how to do this along with the study. They read the paragraphs together for next weeks study so that the girl can prepare for it. Amazing!

Renae and Daisy went on a study with a young girl called Fiona. She is only 17 but is hoping to come to the convention in three weeks. They were doing the chapter about God's purpose for the earth. Talking about the Paradise whilst you're surrounded by beauty takes on a whole new meaning!

On Saturday there was a leaving do for Sister Blair. She is native Guyanese but lives in New York. She has been serving in Charity as a need greater for nine months and although we've only known her for three weeks, she is a bit of a legend! The congregation sang songs and wrote poems about her. It was so lovely!

We taught the congregation how to do the Cha Cha Slide....but thankfully theres no photographic evidence of that! 


On Sunday the congregation went to the beach after the meeting. 45 minutes in a crammed bus, no seatbelts, cheesy tunes absolutely blasting...and avoiding huge pot holes proved very entertaining! Here we are with Brandon and Michelle, two need greaters from New York. They go home end of June which is a real shame because they are loads of fun! 

The water here is an interesting shade of brown....but we loved it....soooooo warm. 

The sisters in the congregation made chow mein and rice and beans and homemade cheese rolls and cake. Deeeeeeelicious :)

Although we were a little hesitant about the water, we decided to overcome our fear of parasites and get in there. It was amazingly warm and we were in there all afternoon. And we survived! Although the sisters kept teasing us pretending to be snakes! They think its hilarious how scared we are of the wildlife.....we are far too British!  

Here we are again with Michelle and Brandon!  

This is Nathan, the most adorable little boy! His mum is getting baptised at the convention next month. 

The bus journey on the way home was just as bumpy and hilarious, except this time we were very soggy from all the swimming! We were soooo ready for our bed :)

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Socks and crocs

It's been our second day of river boat witnessing along the Pomeroon today, and it has been soo fantastic. We feel quite overwhelmed by the things we experience each day, the people we meet and seeing Jehovah's hand in things. So we wanted to share our day and experiences with you......

We thought you'd appreciate a snap of our practical boat footwear....socks, crocs and wellybobs! Absolute height of fashion! They may look unusual with a ministry skirt, but they prevent parasites 
and keep our feet dry, so needs must!

Just a little shot of our beautiful scenery. 

We put our life into Daisy and Naomi's hands as they steered our 'Kingdom Proclaimer' boat down the Pomeroon......they were pretty good actually! 

Here's Amy on first call with Sister Fitzallen. First house Amy showed a young girl called Judy what God's name was and started a study in the BT book. The next house shown in the picture the ladies were hand washing their clothes in the river so sister Fitzallen and Amy sat and had a bible discussion with them . Life is so fuss free out here. 

Molly and Brother Persaud spoke to a young girl for a while and we're able to show her personal care and eventually the girl shyly confessed she had been contemplating suicide. "We commend you, we really commend you for not acting on those thoughts," Brother Persaud warmly said. They taught her how to pray and offered practical help too. She cannot read that well but that is something she will learn along with her study from now on. She really opened up and gave Molly a big hug goodbye. 

Daisy and Sister Renae had a lovely time with a family who were also washing clothes and peeling fruit by the river side. They shared the Caleb video 'Jehovah created all things' with the little girl....although the dad was very intrigued too and kept trying to get a glimpse of it.

Here is Naomi and the fantastic Sister Blair talking to a pastor of a local church. He asked many questions about Jehovah's name, Jesus and our origins...a good opportunity to use the back of our new Bible. Sister Blair jumped back on the boat shouting 'he's coming to the convention!!' So let's hope we see him there!

So in Guyana, when it rains it's absolutely pours! Thank goodness for the cag in a bag! We had to run to take shelter...

We took shelter under the closest house we could find, ended up preaching to the householders there, who in turn fed all eight of us fresh cucumber, cassava bread and salt. Yum!

Waiting for the downpour to stop with the lovely Renae.

We then stopped off at Brother Kens old grocery shop and home. He is an amazing brother. On learning the truth, he decided that running a grocery shop all the way out on the river was not the best use of his time, so to simplify his life, he left it all and moved into the town. As he was showing us around, we could tell how much he really loved his shop and we saw how comfortable his life used to be. We asked if he had any regrets and he said 'Well this can't buy you life, can it?'
He then proceeded to get us all fresh coconuts from his old garden, cutting a hole in them with a cutlass so we could drink the water out. Deliciously refreshing in the muggy heat!

Our final treat of the day was stopping off to spot a howler monkey! It was so exciting! Brother Padram sat in the boat making monkey noises and holding out some fruit. Jack the howler monkey eventually came out of the trees in a Tarzan-like fashion, and once he got used to the audience, he played up quite well! Closest we've ever been to a howler monkey in its natural habitat. Then of course, the owner of the house nearby comes out....

the brothers never miss an opportunity to preach. Magazines were left and the hope for the future was explained.