Monday, 25 August 2014

Time to Say Goodbye

Hi everybody!

First of all, we are ever so sorry for the delay of this blog post. Things have been prettttty mental since we last posted. Where do we start? Its been a real whirlwind of a weekend getting back just in time for the convention. And what a convention it was!! I think we were all blown away by it. Jehovah is so wonderful to us, isn't he? 
We feel that even more so after the trip that we have had. One of the hardest things to do is put your feelings into just does not do it justice! But we felt we must say that all four of us feel strongly that these three months have changed our relationship with Jehovah in a way that we could not have imagined. When you are completely out of your comfort zone, you have no choice but to rely on Jehovah entirely. Doing this has shown us that you can accomplish anything if you make sacrifices for Jehovah. He never ever let us down on this trip. So our resolve is to continue pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone, so that we will have more opportunities to rely on Jehovah and see his strength towards us.  

Here are a few photos of the last few days of our trip....

Our final bus journey to our final meeting! 

And what a busy meeting we had!

Here we are with some of our wonderful friends. We have spent many a hilarious boat day with some of these girls, they are the best!

This is Jerusha, a pioneer who moved in at the same time as us.

Molly looked after Vashtein's study whilst her conductor was away, and helped her to prepare her first ever talk on the school. She is ever so lovely!

Sister Ali, who lives alone, as her husband died and her children live in Venezuela. She works five days a week but manages to regular pioneer, doing her ministry in the evenings and weekends. She gives the very best hugs!

Renae and her mum, Viola, who pioneers and drives her own boat!

Carlyn, who has been in the truth only five years and pioneers with three young children. One of her sons is Josh, who did the bible reading (see other blog)

Brother and Sister Marks. They are as fantastic as their smiles show they are :) 

Sister Gilly, (see previous blogs!) who is probably the best teacher we know. She has taught us many things!

Renatte, who got baptised at the convention recently! Her husband is not in the truth , but she does a grand job of bringing her two young boys to the meetings.

Cassidy and Krystal.
Daisy and Naomi studied with these two girls, who regularly come to the meetings with their little brother. Since we Have come back, we heard that their mum came to the meeting on sunday and asked to start her study again! So now they all are studying and attending the meetings as a family. 

So it was a lovely last meeting. It was hard to say goodbye to them all as they have become a part of our lives now. Its not easy to stay in touch as we would like to either, because not very many have the internet. But we know that the memories we have made with them will last forever :) 

We left Charity really early Saturday morning, and got on the speed boat as you can see below...

We had a ridiculous amount of luggage! But we managed it all by ourselves, being practically Guyanese now!

We stayed in New York with Michelle and Brandon (the couple we met in Charity) which was a real treat. They knew what it was like to come back from Guyana and crave every kind of food you haven't had for three months. So they had prepared a feast for us! We cannot explain to you how good it was to have a warm shower and a duvet!

                                                   Even in our jet lagged form, we managed to find some of the best pastries we have tasted...

                           ....and bagels! You can't go to New York and not try a bagel!

Our last meal together in New York. 

The flight home was brilliant because they were international delegates on it coming for the Twickenham international convention. It was really exciting! When we got off the plane, there were loads of brothers with banners welcoming the delegates! What an experience :) 

So that draws us to the end of our trip. We hope you have enjoyed reading about it as much as we have enjoyed writing about it. How wonderful it will be in Paradise when we can all travel and visit our brothers and sisters to our hearts content, and bump into each other along the way! Keep your eyes out for our brothers and sisters in Charity that you have read about. They are the loveliest people and they will have many wonderful experiences to tell you. 

So....until next time....

Lots of love,
The girls x

1 comment:

  1. Hey girls, I have enjoyed the chance to both have met y'all and have gotten a chance to watch your journey. It was amazing to see how Jehovah was able to use you in such a beautiful way down in Guyana and it have proved to be a real encouragement to myself. Thanks for allowing me to see a small share of your journey and I pray Jehovah's continued blessings on you throughout your spiritual journey!
