It's been a really great week, it's reached new levels of heat and humidity though! But the ministry has been so so brilliant, it's definitely worth the heat/bugs/bites. We've come head to head with a new type of bug this week...sand flies. They are about as big as a pin head, and you can kill them with your fingertip....but when they bite it seriously stings! They come out when it's wet and humid, which it was on Friday. We have countless bites all up our arms and legs!
Did you wonder about the title of this blog? Well the words of this song really sum up the feelings we have had over this past week.
Because of the intensity of the heat this week (even the locals say it's especially hot!) we have lacked a lot of energy...but Jehovah has always given us extra strength and holy spirit needed to conduct our studies. When planning our week, we counted that between us we would have 32 studies this week! What a privilege! We finish each day feeling exhausted but truly happy.
We apologise in advance for the essay below! A lot has happened this week.
Here's a little snippet...
Here's Daisy and Naomi getting a lift back home in a lorry today!
Because of the intensity of the heat this week (even the locals say it's especially hot!) we have lacked a lot of energy...but Jehovah has always given us extra strength and holy spirit needed to conduct our studies. When planning our week, we counted that between us we would have 32 studies this week! What a privilege! We finish each day feeling exhausted but truly happy.
We apologise in advance for the essay below! A lot has happened this week.
Here's a little snippet...
Here's Daisy and Naomi getting a lift back home in a lorry today!
They were so tired and had a long walk to their last studies house. As they arrived, they whispered to each other 'wouldn't it be lovely if they gave us a lift back?'. Anyway, they had a great study, and as they started walking back, the study and her mum came to fetch them in the car. They were soooo thankful. It's a long way back to our house so we told them to drop us at the bus stop. Then the guy
that we get our veg from came by in his lorry and gave us a lift home for free! Our budget is running a little's amazing how many free lifts we are getting recently.
They had another lovely experience when they were walking to another study on Wednesday. A car drove past them, and then reversed back to come and pick them up. The man said he doesn't usually pick people up but he felt like he should this time...for some reason. Anyway he asked who we were,
so we were able to give a witness to him. He was so interested, and asked why God doesn't destroy
Satan. We were able to answer his questions as he drove us along, and we had a really good
discussion on many subjects. He told us that he gets an invite through his door for the Memorial each year, and he always tells himself he must go, but he has never managed to. As we pulled up, we offered him the Bible Teach book, explaining that it would answer many of his questions in a very easy way to understand. His response: 'I must have picked you up today for a reason. I have no qualifications and I need something easy to understand. How would you have been able to know that? It must have been God that made me pick you up today.'
So one of the studies we have been looking after is two teenage girls who started off very shy and found it hard to express themselves on the study. But we tried to draw them out and befriend them, we invited them over to our house for family worship and before they came we asked them to write a 'paradise list' of all the things they would like to do in paradise (see photo above). We were really moved by the effort they had put in and how much more expressive they have become, they ask some fantastic questions and really think things through. It's so nice to see such young people taking a stand for Jehovah and making progress, it's been a real privilege to study with them.
Here we are with a few of our studies on our teen afternoon :)
On Tuesday it was just us four and Brother Ken on boat witnessing for a change! We had a really lovely day. Naomi went back on Marina, her study who lives way down river. It's only the third time she has had a study but she is so thirsty for the truth when we arrived she came out with her teach book in hand ready to start. She said that since she has been studying she realised that she had been praying wrong because God has a name and so she has started using Jehovah's name in her prayers, and she's even started praying through Jesus even though we have not covered that part in the book yet (she's so eager she's reading ahead!) She also told us how she has already been applying what she has learnt by praying to Jehovah when her daughter was sick and refusing to let a faith healer come to her daughter because 'that would be listening to Satan'. There's no better feeling than hearing
someone applying what they learn and growing in love for Jehovah, we always come away buzzing!
On Wednesday, Amy's study Amrita invited us all over for lunch. They cooked Dahl and rice, fried fresh fish, callaloo, followed by peanut fudge and fresh coconut water with milk. Just what we needed after a hot but lovely morning on the ministry. Then they finished off with a really lovely study in the good news brochure, which Amrita had prepared and written notes in a little notebook. The week that we leave Amrita's Mum told us she will make us a special treat... glazed chicken feet, fresh from the chickens running around in the yard, Amy can't say that she is particularly excited about this delicacy.
This is Molly on one of her studies called Delia. She told Molly during the study that her brothers have all been pressuring her to stop studying the bible with Jehovah's Witnesses. Rather than give in she tells them every week what she has learnt and what she has been pre-studying. She tells them that the witnesses always teach the truth from the bible about Jehovah because they love people. What a joy to hear the people express their appreciation for what they are learning so early on. Later, when discussing the meetings, she said that she has attended before but had recently had to stop for
financial reasons. After encouraging her to pray about it if she has the desire, the discussion moved on. Before the closing prayer, Molly asked her if there was anything she wanted to be included in the prayer; worries, concerns or thanks. She thought for a long time and finally getting eye contact she shyly said "Please ask Jehovah to help me get the courage to come back to meetings because I really want to speed up my learning about Him." Molly commended her for expressing how she felt and
promised to save her a seat. "That would be really nice," Delia said, "because we could sit together
and that would really help me."
This is Josh doing his first Bible reading on Thursday. His mum and dad, Carlyn and Orvil, are so adorable and they work incredibly hard to bring up their three children to love Jehovah. They used to be in the world and had a lot to do with drink, but they started studying, made big changes, and they even got baptised on the same day as each other! Their son Josh has a stammer and vowed he would never ever get up on the platform. He managed to do the reading without a single stammer, and when he got off, he cried because he was so happy that he was able to do it. The whole family are so so humble.
This is an amazing little boy called Alex. He is only 9, and yet he is so zealous with meeting attendance. He comes mostly by himself. The meeting is at 4.15. We asked him how he knows when to get ready for, and he says he looks at the clock and when it turns 3.30, he just comes. He is always early and always stands outside to greet everybody. We managed to get this picture of him as we were in a bus on our way to the meeting.
It is so special to be experiencing the love and power of Jehovah and his organisation in this part of the world. However, it does not come without its challenges! It's certainly hard to live here and requires a lot of sacrifices. But the joy and satisfaction that we have felt over the past few months have made it more than worth it.